Barekisi ba mabenkele ba Concrete Polishing Wheel - Premium Husqvarna Redi Lock Diamonds Ka Li-Segment Bars tse 2 - Sunny Superhard Tools

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Re bile moetsi ea nang le phihlelo. Ho hapa boholo ba litifikeiti tsa hau tsa bohlokoa tsa 'maraka oa eona bakeng sa , , , Re tšepa ka tieo ho aha likamano tsa nako e telele tsa khoebo le uena mme re tla u etsetsa tšebeletso ea rona e ntle ka ho fetisisa.
Bahoebi ba Barekisi ba Concrete Polishing Wheel - Premium Husqvarna Redi Lock Diamonds Ka Li-Segment Bars tse 2 - Sunny Superhard Tools Detail:


Litlhaloso tsa Boikhethelo

Taba ea boikhethelo ea Diamond Grit 6#, 16#, 36#, 60#, 80#, 120#, 180#, 220#
Khetho ea Metal Bond e bonolo haholo, e bonolo haholo, e bonolo, e bonolo, e thata ebile e thata haholo
Sephutheloana sa boikhethelo Likotoana tse 6 kapa tse 9 ka lebokoseng
Mobala oa ho Penta ka Boikhethelo Leseli le phahameng kapa Matt, mebala e tloaelehileng ke:namunu,mosehla,khubelu,ntsho,phereseleputsoa
Litšebeletso tse ling Tšebeletso ea OEM / ODM ea fumaneha, joalo ka mongolo oa logo (mahala), mebala ea ho penta (mahala), joalo-joalo.


Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Barekisi ba mabenkele ba Concrete Polishing Wheel - Premium Husqvarna Redi Lock Diamonds Ka Li-Segment Bars tse 2 - Sunny Superhard Tools details details

Barekisi ba mabenkele ba Concrete Polishing Wheel - Premium Husqvarna Redi Lock Diamonds Ka Li-Segment Bars tse 2 - Sunny Superhard Tools details details

Barekisi ba mabenkele ba Concrete Polishing Wheel - Premium Husqvarna Redi Lock Diamonds Ka Li-Segment Bars tse 2 - Sunny Superhard Tools details details

Barekisi ba mabenkele ba Concrete Polishing Wheel - Premium Husqvarna Redi Lock Diamonds Ka Li-Segment Bars tse 2 - Sunny Superhard Tools details details

Barekisi ba mabenkele ba Concrete Polishing Wheel - Premium Husqvarna Redi Lock Diamonds Ka Li-Segment Bars tse 2 - Sunny Superhard Tools details details

Barekisi ba mabenkele ba Concrete Polishing Wheel - Premium Husqvarna Redi Lock Diamonds Ka Li-Segment Bars tse 2 - Sunny Superhard Tools details details

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:
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Hangata e lebisitsoe ho bareki, 'me ke sepheo sa rona sa ho qetela hore e se be feela mofani ea tšepahalang, ea ka tšeptjoang le ea tšepahalang, empa hape le molekane oa bareki ba rona bakeng sa Bahoebi ba mabenkele a Concrete Polishing Wheel - Premium Husqvarna Redi Lock Diamonds With 2 Segment Bars - Sunny Superhard Tools , Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka lefats'e ka bophara, joalo ka: San Diego, Singapore, Anguilla, Khamphani ea rona e lula e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho nts'etsopele. ea 'maraka oa machaba. Re na le bareki ba bangata Russia, linaha tsa Europe, USA, linaha tsa Middle East le linaha tsa Afrika. Kamehla re latela hore boleng ke motheo ha tšebeletso e le tiiso ea ho kopana le bareki bohle.
  • Re ananetsoe ka tlhahiso ea China, lekhetlong lena le eona ha ea ka ea re nyahamisa, mosebetsi o motle!
    5 LinaleliKa Molly oa Guatemala - 2018.12.11 14:13
    Mochine oa tsamaiso ea tlhahiso o phethiloe, boleng bo tiisitsoe, botšepehi bo phahameng le tšebeletso e lumella hore tšebelisano e be bonolo, e phethahale!
    5 LinaleliKa Nicole oa Grenada - 2017.06.19 13:51
    Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona